
In conversation with William Patry, Google (Anglais/English)

Dec 09, 2021
From 12 PM to 1 PM

Location Activity online with ZOOM (link will be sent the day before the event between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM)

William Patry studied music before law, and his law studies led him to various positions in the United States leading to his current role as Senior Copyright Counsel at Google.  In this conversation with Andrea Rush, he will talk about his latest pandemic hobby (learning about women composers from various historical periods) which led him to a new appreciation for the multifaceted meanings and implications of the word "Search" that raise copyright issues.

In conversation with William Patry, Google (Anglais/English)

ATTENTION : Activity run in ENGLISH

William Patry studied music before law, and his law studies led him to various positions in the United States leading to his current role as Senior Copyright Counsel at Google.  In this conversation with Andrea Rush, he will talk about his latest pandemic hobby (learning about women composers from various historical periods) which led him to a new appreciation for the multifaceted meanings and implications of the word "Search" that raise copyright issues.

Date : Thursday, December 9, 2021 from noon to 1:00 PM (Montreal time)

1 hour of Continuing Professional Development

Panelists : 

  • Mr William Patry, Google
  • Mtre Andrea Rush, Blaney McMurtry LLP


  • Prof. Ysolde Gendreau, Université de Montréal

Costs (taxes not included) :

  • 10,00 $ for student members of ALAI
  • 25,00 $ for members of ALAI Canada and other national groups of ALAI 
  • 50,00 $ for non-members


Note : The Association has not requested verification of the eligibility of this activity by The Barreau du Québec, as the proposed training fully meets the objectives of the Regulation respecting compulsory continuing education for lawyers. The participant can register this activity in their continuing education file.


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