
Le droit d’auteur et l’État : les décisions récentes des Cours suprêmes du Canada et des États-Unis sur les œuvres « officielles »

Le 23 juin 2020
De 12h à 13h

Lieu En ligne

Zoom Webinar

Webinaire Zoom

La conférence se déroule en anglais.

Nous vous invitons à consulter la page en anglais ou le formulaire d'inscription pour tous les détails. 



Joshua L. Simmons :

Joshua Simmons is a partner in the New York office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. His practice focuses on appellate and trial court litigation, intellectual property counseling, as well as regulatory and legislative policy. Of particular interest to this presentation, Josh is a renowned expert in U.S. copyright law, and leader in the U.S. copyright bar.

Ysolde Gendreau :

Ysolde Gendreau is professor at the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal where she specializes in copyright law. She is a Vice-President of ALAI and a Past President of the Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP). In collaboration with her colleague Ejan Mackaay, she is responsible for the annual edition of Législation canadienne en propriété intellectuelle / Canadian Legislation on Intellectual Property published by Carswell. She is currently preparing an edited book on moral rights that will be published by Edward Elgar.

Uma Suthersanen : 

Uma Suthersanen holds a Chair in Global Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary University of London. She sits on the Executive Committee of ALAI UK and is also a Visiting Overseas Fellow of the I.P. Academy of Singapore. She is the co-author of DutfieEuropean Copyright and Design Reportsld & Suthersanen on Global Intellectual Property Law (2020), the General Editor of European Copyright and Design Reports, and is the co-editor of Copinger & Skone-James on Copyright (18th edition, forthcoming 2020/2021).

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